5 Games to Pass Up in 2013

By Dylan Cox /

There are always articles telling you the hottest games of the upcoming year, but nobody ever warns you about the games you should ignore, so hold my hand, and we'll take this journey of lacklustre games together. As with any article about something that's still being developed, take it with a grain of salt. Who knows, maybe a little development fairy will spread some fairy dust on these game developers, and transform their games into something mediocre. If you're like me, you try to wait to purchase a game (or rent it) before seeing reviews - so we're going to skip all that and just go by what we already know.

5. MLB 2K13

Unless you own a PlayStation, this is your only option of owning a baseball game, which is unfortunate, because 2K produces trash baseball games. It's a scientific fact, actually. If you look at past years, you'll notice the only real step they've taken is a poor rip-off of MLB: The Show's career mode, aka My Player. Do not assume this is a replica of NBA 2K's career mode; that game is polished, this is pitiful. Besides that, MLB did not want to renew 2K's license for this year, but for whatever reason took the offer 2K countered them with. The game had no news up until a couple of weeks ago, which means this year's release will be nothing but 2k12 with a new roster. There will be no new bells and/or whistles; it's safe to say that this is a game you can count on failing.