5 Gaming Remakes/Sequels That Need to Get Made

They were the beautiful and beloved single release games that we bought on small black cartridges, lovingly blew into them day after day to make them work. Alas, our blowing sucked, and could not preserve the life essence of those games.

By Clayton Ofbricks /

There are some games that get remade or rebooted or reinvented (or whatever the stupid phrase is) every year or two. Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Worms, and other like these just won't die, no matter how much we want them to. They're the soulless, butt sucking Hoteps that Bruce Campbell has been warning us about since....well since that one time. But, damnit! He warned us. How do we kill these undead wastes of space? Well, Bruce Campbell/Elvis would tell you to burn it, but there might be another solution. Perhaps, and just follow me here for a minute, because we're gonna get crazy..perhaps we should remake a game or two that didn't come out within the past two years and REALLY needed a sequel. You know the games I'm talking about. They were the beautiful and beloved single release games that we bought on small black cartridges, lovingly blew into them day after day to make them work. Alas, our blowing sucked, and could not preserve the life essence of those games. Of course, now we can just play them on emulators, but that isn't the point. The point is: the world needs more games like these. No, that's also not the point. "Like these" just wouldn't be awesome enough. No. The world needs these games again! We need them with better graphics. We need them with better controls. We need them with more well thought out multiplayer options and single player campaigns. We need them right now. Or I will shave my cat in protest.