5 Video Games That Make Their Devs Look Bad

By Gale /


Have you ever been in a situation when you bought a game without knowing anything about it? Sadly, the days of scouring the stores (physically, you lazy frog) are almost over. Right now, the developers are either indie or AAA and there's little room for the AA games that were keeping the stores stocked. See, indies get their publicity from Humble Bundles and similar devilishy well tought out promotions. AAA games, on the other hand, throw loads of money in every possible direction until sales happen. The market for middle-class games is practically nonexistent.

Back to the matter at hand, the current mentality is such that we dislike the idea of spending cash on software we know little about. And altough it might seem like there's no reason to buy such an item, there is. Should you often endulge in such endeavors, there's a good chance that you'll be rewarded with a pretty decent game. However, let's be honest, for every Bioshock, Metal Gear Solid and Heavy Rain, there's plenty of games that should just be forbidden by law.


Unfortunately, there's a small, niche market for such sins against gaming itself. Here we will look back (with appropriate amounts of shame) at some of these games.
