7 Games You Didn't Realise Were Playing You

Well, that was unexpected.

By Jack Smurthwaite /

Throughout gaming's entire history, there's always been the notion of choice in the experience. From the first playstation titles with secret endings, to the early point-and-click games of the 1980s, right down to kids getting lost in Choose Your Own Adventure books in 1979; it's a truth universally acknowledged that the most immersive experiences are the ones that feel someway personal. Spectacular set pieces are still a huge part of gaming in the modern age though, but now more than ever gamers are given more ways to arrive at and influence them. Moral choices and split paths are features of almost every narrative these days, but in some cases the programming is so clever, so detailed, that the lines of free choice start to blur. The player effectively becomes the played. It's indicative of the way in which the medium of games has evolved and matured, especially in the past decade. New technology has not only allowed new ways of exploring gameplay and story-telling, it's also given developers a myriad of new ways to play with the player themselves. So, here are 7 games that celebrate the art of turning the tables on players. Some are emotional, some are bizarre and some are just horrific, but all of them are guaranteed to stay with you long after you're finished playing them. Warning: This list contains spoilers for most of the games listed. Read on at your peril.