7 Things Nintendo's E3 Stream Secretly Told Us About The NX

Saying nothing can actually reveal quite a lot...

By Brian Wilson /

It feels like an eternity since the NX was first referenced by Nintendo, and since then it's been a long slog of rumours, speculation and hype.


When you get down to it, we know very little about the system apart from the fact it's coming out in March 2017. Is it a handheld? A home console? Some sort of awesome, revolutionary hybrid? At this point it's tough to definitively say.

Before E3 2016, Nintendo prefaced their appearance by noting the console wouldn't appear- instead they'd be focussing entirely on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Pokémon Sun & Moon. But just because it wasn't officially revealed or shown, doesn't mean there wasn't plenty to learn during the conference.

From specs to a lack of VR, here are 7 things Nintendo's E3 stream secretly told us about the NX.

7. It's More Powerful Than The Wii U

For what seems like forever now, rumours have abounded about the technical specs of Nintendo's mysterious NX. Some claim the machine will be a powerhouse rivalling the likes of the PS4, whereas others are claiming the system, as a hybrid between portable and home, must by definition be rather middling, around the same specs as the Wii U or a slight improvement.


At the beginning of E3, Nintendo referred to the fact that The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild would be the “same experience” on both systems. Yet later on, when CEO of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime, was doing one on one interviews, he stated that there are in fact differences between the two versions, and that they'd be discussed at a later date.

Nintendo's statement about the games being the “same experience” seem to imply that the content itself will be the same. Coupled with Reggie's, the differences will likely lie with how the game runs, e.g. frame rate, resolution, draw distance, etc.

Therefore, it's safe to deduce that the NX will in fact be more powerful than the Wii U, regardless of whether or not it's a hybrid.
