7 Video Game Plot Twists That Divided EVERYONE

Surprising plot moments that broke entire fandoms.

By Scott Tailford /


Alright, let's talk plot twists.


Not the kind of plot twists that come out of nowhere, reveal your main character's actually a wizard living inside a hamster's brain and your party are an assortment of nuts. No, let's drill down on those specific plot twists or story beats that genuinely cleaved a fandom in two.

The sorts of "Omg WHAT?!" realisations that you knew in the moment were going to be divisive from here on out.


Going forward, that franchise or instalment was never the same again, and should it ever be brought up in conversation, you can GUARANTEE this inescapable divisive element will swiftly follow.

So, although the likes of Bioshock's "Would you kindly?" or Dead Space's Nicole twist only enhance the overall experience, the following made sure you were in the "for" or "against" column forevermore.


Whether that's still a positive ringing endorsement of how much you care, is up to you.



Notable recent spoilers for The Last of Us 2 and Final Fantasy VII Remake within.