8 Best Boss Fights From Batman's Arkham Series

Batman's Arkham series has excelled in producing both enjoyable and challenging boss confrontations, these games are an example for how to get video game bosses right.

By David Michael Hughes /

As a new generation of games arise it will be interesting to see what elements from past titles are taken forward and what will be left behind. One element of video games that created much discussion in 2013 was the concept of game bosses. Many games such as Bioshock Infinite chose to move away from bosses, thus when the only boss was included it felt out of place in the game. Other games have chosen to maintain the concept and formula of a boss. The Batman Arkham series has excelled in producing both enjoyable and challenging boss confrontations. These games are an example for how to get video game bosses right. By using the same mechanics and tools to defeat bosses that you use throughout the game, the Batman Arkham bosses do not feel like a separate element thrown in to mix things up, they feel very much part of the game. So what better way to demonstrate why the boss confrontations are so great by highlighting the best in the series. This article will include spoilers for all three Batman Arkham games.

Dishonourable Mention - The Electrocutioner - Batman Arkham Origins

When I first saw the Electrocutioner I expected him to be a difficult boss fight but it turns out he was as easy to take down as Lucien from Fable 2. His arrogant nature, tough guy attitude and east European voice just screamed an electrocuting version of Ivan Drago. Turns out he wasn't so tough as Batman knocks him down with a single hit and the Joker launches him out the window to a comical death. At least he provided Batman with some slick gloves.