8 Heroic Video Game Characters Who Didn't Actually Affect The Plot

Nathan Drake: Charming, resourceful... pointless?

By Scott Tailford /

Naughty Dog

Of all the mediums to write a story and create a world for, video games are usually the most straightforward. Even since the days of Mario we've had "You're the hero, go rescue [X person/object]", yet over time - especially with the medium-stretching ambitions of something like Metal Gear Solid - a more Hollywood-esque sense of scope has come into play.


Naturally, that's lead to some of the best and most resonant stories in entertainment history - the aforementioned MGS, your Last of Us', Final Fantasy VIIs and Ocarina of Times etc., all taking place across hours and hours of game time. The average length of any game stretches past 10 hours, and those lengths of play require sizeable scripts - ones including all manner of overlapping plot strands, reveals, character arcs and more.

Seriously, it's no small feat to write a video game script - especially if you're trying to contend with the world of film. As the following examples prove, sometimes, you can even overlook the most important character of all: The player.


Let us know in the comments if there are any other examples of video game stories where - somehow - the main character didn't really matter.