8 Imposing Video Game Bosses (That Secretly Suck)

Well... you tried.

By Jules Gill /


As we have said many, MANY times here on the glorious platform that is WhatCulture.com, when it comes to video games, end of level bosses or ultimate big bad encounters make up the backbone of some of our most treasured memories as players. It's for that exact same reason that we also remember with ultimate venom the encounters which absolutely sucked (I even covered bad bosses in my mini-series here on WCG called These Bosses Suck, so go check it out!).


Sitting in between the titans and the terrible sides of video game bosses are the ones we're going to be talking about today. These moments, built up as the most imposing and defining in their respective games, ended up being utterly deflating, like a party balloon on a bed of spikes. Pop!

So let's saddle up and laugh in the face of danger and death, because deep down these impressive looking bosses are anything but.
