8 More Video Game Difficulty Levels For The Criminally Insane

When the game beats you.

By Jules Gill /


In a world where Dark Souls reigns supreme and we've had decades of coin-grabbing arcade machines testing our collective mettle, challenge isn’t just something players ask for, they demand it.


Developers have been more than happy to accommodate the masochistic masses, offering up difficulty spikes you could impale yourself on, and a huge assortment of options to make your games harder and harder. Yet, why do people put themselves through these things?

Well, 1. Because the games usually lock off trophies and achievements behind completing such mad difficulty modes, and 2. Because of something much sweeter - BRAGGING RIGHTS.


To be able to stand amongst the few and say you bested a game on its hardest setting is a feeling unrivalled to some, but to others... well, you might just come across as a little bit off the rails.

Either way, sound off if you’ve completed any of these in the comments, and I will tip my beanie to you.



*Article adapted from video, available on WhatCulture Gaming*
