8 Reasons Why Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Is Still Worth It

No Multiplayer? Still worth it.

By Simon Hahn /

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was one of the great first person shooters on the previous generation of consoles, back when the franchise was at the height of its popularity. It was an all-round classic regardless of if you wanted to play single player, multiplayer, or Spec Ops. After the previous title in the sub-series, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare received a full remaster in 2016, hype has been building just as much for Modern Warfare 2 to get the same treatment.


After months of rumours, a trailer was released before being quickly followed by the release of the game just a day later. However, it came with the big catch, it would be a remaster of the campaign only. No spec ops mode, and more importantly, no multiplayer. This has left a large percentage of die-hard fans hugely disappointed that the multiplayer mode that the game was best known for would not be in this new release. However, despite this, here is why the remastered campaign is still worth a look for fans of the series in 2020.

8. A Much Harder Challenge Than Modern Warfare

For those who like the single player campaigns in Call of Duty games, recent titles have been a struggle. 2018's Black Ops 4 became the first main title in the series to have no campaign at all. While Modern Warfare brought this back the year after, it did little to inspire many to play it. Those who did play the campaign will probably have breezed through it. The already-short campaign was filled with stealth elements and very little difficulty, even on Veteran.


This makes it a great time to revisit a period in the series when Veteran modes were notoriously difficult. On a first play through on regular difficulty, I found myself dying much more often than I expected, even before attempting Veteran. The seemingly endless waves of enemies in locations such as the Favela or Makarov’s house means even seasoned CoD players will struggle. It also takes you back to a time when endless grenades would cause plenty of deaths, meaning it will take try after try to get through certain sections. When you do finish the campaign on Veteran though, it makes it even more satisfying.
