8 Video Game Tie-Ins BETTER Than The Original

Golden games from the silver screen.

By Jules Gill /

The very concept of a video game tie-in may be something that makes gamers across the world reach for their screaming pillow, as for a good old while there was nothing quite like the sick burn that you'd feel buying a tie-in game and getting slapped by poorly developed, lazy cash-grabs.


E.T. for Atari, Beverly Hills Cop, so so many Predator games, and of course nearly every single MCU film, all splurted out games with as much care and love for their source material as spitting on the elderly.

As long as suckers bought enough units before the reviews killed the hype surrounding the IP, the rights owners wouldn't give two squirts of piss about the quality of their associated games, and soon it became such a toxic phrase to use that tie-ins have seen a remarkable drop off over the years.

Yet that's not to say there aren't some gems within this swamp, and over the years there have actually been some titles that didn't just succeed over their film counterpart but went on to be genuinely recognized as decent additions to the gaming pantheon. So let's raise a glass to those that....you know...actually tried today!

8. Ratchet & Clank Remake

A video game based on a movie that was itself based on a video game. The Ratchet And Clank remake/reboot that we got in 2016 really was a confusing prospect to get your head around.


What it meant for the layman was that it was a retelling of the classic original but now was going to contain elements and even cutscenes from the movie that dropped shortly before its release. Thank God that's where the adaptation stopped however because while the film isn't exactly used nappies, changing anything from the original when it comes to gameplay is akin to sacrilege. In essence, this makes this a rather easy entry to pen, as it's the original game with beefed-up graphics and a few quality-of-life tweaks that remove some of the PS2-era frustrations, therefore it's the best but even better.

In fact one could argue that any and all references to the movie itself make up the worst parts of the experience, as their inclusions within the game don't feel connected or emotionally resonant. After all, if you're watching the movie there's dialogue and setup to introduce characters and build relationships, here though they just stand isolated against amazing gameplay that did all that character-building in a much better and engaging way.

Fingers crossed for the director's cut mod that removes all this guff.
