9 Incredible Soundtracks That Were Almost Better Than Their Games

Seriously, have you heard the music from Hotline Miami?!

By Richard John Dorricott /

Like cinema, video games live and die by how they link image and sound. It can heighten or manipulate the player's emotional responses, set the tone and atmosphere, or even create a sense of tension or imminent danger - Pokémon trainer battles for instance, or the combat music that plays when you're spotted in Oblivion and Skyrim. Alongside this, video game soundtracks are often intrinsically connected to the games they€™re from. Take the rhythm-based roguelike Crypt of the Necrodancer for instance, something that features a varied and energetic soundtrack composed of drum beats that encourage player movement within the game world. Outside of that, it can be a headache to listen to - being simply too demanding to enjoy while working or writing, and it€™s too sporadic for exercises or lonely walks around the neighbourhood. See, there€™s a big difference between great music made for a game, and great music from a game. That€™s why I€™ve compiled this list to exemplify the latter, highlighting soundtracks that can be appreciated on their own, independent from wherever they first appeared. It can be a tough balancing act for a musician to compose a score that both serves the needs of a particular experience, and can be enjoyed by itself, so here are nine awesome soundtracks that achieve the impossible and stand loud and proud on their own.