9 Lego Games We're Still Waiting For

By Jordan Schaeffer /

Ever since Lego Star Wars was released in 2005, Danish company Lego has been producing games through Traveller's Tales Games based on their numerous licensed properties that have entertained people of all ages. Possessing enough charm and humour to warm the hearts of even the most jaded gamers, and featuring simple yet solid gameplay that will keep anyone from children to older gamers with kids of their own playing without getting bored. There are few of Lego's themes that didn't immediately have games rolled out to supplement their plastic toys, but it is certain that there is always room for expansion, speculation and, of course, fanboy arguing. And with that, let's take a look at nine games that Lego should make as soon as possible... 1. The Hobbit Lego Lord of The Rings was released quite recently, most likely to ride on the wave of renewed interest in the franchise with the release of part one of Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy. In the next two years, as the Hobbit's second and third instalments arrive, it's practically inevitable that we will see a game based on this set of prequels. General consensus is that Lego LotR is a fine game full of the usual charm, but that Lego needs to start surprising gamers more and innovating on the tried and true formula they have stuck with for almost a decade. Even though they have already started to do this with some of their titles like Lego Batman 2, a guaranteed seller like The Hobbit, with a huge tie in movie being released simultaneously, would be a great place for Lego to really stretch out and show what kind of features they can add to their charming franchise.