9 Most Annoying Enemies In Video Game History

That clicking noise will haunt you for the rest of your days.

By Emma Boyle /

There are plenty of things in video games that have irritated me over the years, from confusing mechanics to bugs and glitches, but there's nothing quite as likely to force a rage quit as an annoying enemy.


Don't get me wrong, many well-regarded games would be nowhere near as fun without bad guys to battle - after all what's the point of a first person shooter with nothing to shoot? But sometimes it can feel like an enemy has been included with the sole purpose of getting on your last nerve, before jumping on it and playing a poor rendition of My Heart Will Go On.

Whether they're annoying creatures who only appear in impenetrable overwhelming swarms, or terrifying monsters who seem to take strength rather than damage from your bullets, a truly annoying enemy will stay with you long after the credits roll.

Join me as I list the 9 enemies who have stayed with me, both in my nightmares and in the controller-shaped dent that scars my living room wall.

9. Zubat - Pokémon

It's an obvious one, sure, but doesn't make this choice any less true. You see the cave coming, you gulp in trepidation, you step inside, take one step forward and SMACK! Zubat to the face.


Even if you douse yourself in Repel like an aftershave-soaked teen before their first date, as soon as it wears off, the Zubat are RIGHT there... Watching. Waiting.

Yeah, you can run, but it's a safe bet these little blighters result in the "Can't escape!" exclamation before they use confuse ray and instigate the Pokemon version of 'stop hitting yourself'.

I hate them.
