9 Pointless Details In Elden Ring That'll Blow Your Mind

FromSoftware really did think of everything.

By Jess McDonell /


Elden Ring and its ever-deepening lore, mechanics, and expansive world, is dominating the lives of an awful lot of gamers right now.


Whether you’re a FromSoftware devotee who has played every Soulsbourne game end to end or a newbie to the studio’s brutal offerings, it’s undeniable how rich each title is. 2022 RPG Elden Ring is absolutely no exception. It’s packed to the brim with granular combat considerations, dense RPG mechanics, and lore tidbits that are extremely important to the overall narrative. For this list, though, we’re putting the spotlight on the mechanics, story elements, and features that Elden Ring could definitely have done without, but the fact that FromSoftware decided to include them anyway is exactly what we love about them.

Just how pointless you’ll find each of these entries depends on what you like out of your RPGs, but they’re all very cool additions in unique ways regardless.
