9 Unexpected Video Games That Will Blow You Away In 2020

You won't see these coming.

By James Weeds /

Resident Evil 3 Remake, Last of Us Part 2, potentially GTA VI and the introduction to the ninth generation of consoles are all reasons why 2020 is set to be a humongous year in the world of all things gaming. In fact, there is so much goodness on the horizon, this year could be the biggest year in gaming since 2007.


But what about the other titles? What about the lesser known sluggers trying to cut their way through? Surely the aforementioned AAA big boys are getting too much attention on the playground?

Let's have a little more attention paid to the goths wandering through towers just trying to stay alive; for the strangers wanting to explore murky mists, and for the desperate woman wanting to leave her mark on the world through the noble sport of dog mushing.

We're sure you have your calendars marked for the RE3 remake, the PS5 release, Cyberpunk 2077 etc, but what about these noble, under-exposed wonders?

There are some real corkers set to be out by the end of this year, and we wouldn't want you to miss out on those, now would we?

9. Cloudpunk

Upcoming Indie RPG, Cloudpunk, looks to deliver on Bladerunner-esque cityscapes, soundtrack and narration.


Scheduled for release on Steam and PS4 in ‘early 2020,’ the launch trailer is nothing short of a tease. Only confirming that the player is a courier for some almost certainly dodgy company, and that the city of Nivalis’s inhabitants live in fear.

As courier, Rania, it is your duty to not only deliver goods throughout the neon-lit, noir cityscape, which stands below a luminous sky, but also to interact with the residents of the city - which include humans, androids and AI of varying morality - to uncover the mystery.

2020 is looking like a fantastic year for all things cyberpunk - including the release of Cyberpunk 2077 - but this independent title is looking incredibly unique. The graphics appear to be a cross between the original Metal Gear Solid and the underrated Bladerunner game for Windows 95.
