9 Ways Rockstar Could Easily Ruin GTA VI

Please Rockstar, no more characters like Trevor.

By Scott Tailford /

With news of GTA VI in production comes a mix of trepidation and excitement. On the one hand you've got another instalment in the most lucrative video game property of all time ($800 million made in a day), but with it comes a reliance on sticking to certain formulas; the need to ensure that - although it'll sell more than the gross income of a small continent - it justifies GTA 7, GTA 10, GTA 100 somewhere down the line.


Now, with the very idea of prodding the beehive that is criticising GTA whatsoever comes the potential backlash of a thousand angry voices - but with the series being the cultural phenomenon it is, the very idea of a single product being at the heart of so much financial success is fascinating from all angles.

We all know how fondly GTA IV isn't remembered, and it marks the one time Rockstar attempted to flex their creative muscles in a different direction; the brown n' grey realisation of a more mature and story-focussed GTA going down about as well as unlocking Niko's fingerless glove- oh.


How do you even attempt to create GTA 6? Following formulas and bankable ideas only gets you so far, as Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty have both shown that in the long-term, we gamers need something truly special to avoid the series going stale. Quite honestly, there are certain things it would be easy for Rockstar to do, that they need simply avoid.