An Alternative Look Forward to MASS EFFECT 3

Looking forward to Mass Effect 3? So are we, though some of us for slightly different reasons to the others...

By Guest Writer /

It is impossible for me to write objectively about Mass Effect 3. We are Commander Shepard, you and I. We€™ve been with him so long, we have so much invested in what I presume will be his final adventure, or at least the closing chapter of the Mass Effect Reaper story. What I€™m dreading, however, and I mean dread like when you find blood in your urine, is seeing Shepard€™s face again. I love Mass Effect, I love basically everything about it but I, like everyone else I know made the mistake of customising Shepherd€™s looks and what looked basically fine, sort of, in Mass Effect 1, looked in the sequel like some half bear half sea urchin hybrid. On a good day it sometimes looks like the used carcass of a jaded Mr Potato Head, and when I say used€ I mean soiled. And yet it scored with Liara, which would lead me to believe Shepard has a great personality. Except I am him so I know this is not true because I made him kick a man through a window for literally no reason other than a flashing red light was blinking on my television screen. And in Mass Effect 2 I had Shepard make out with Jack who, whilst just about insane, is still a human and though the Mass Effect universe is extremely compelling and immersive, I was not immersed enough to believe that Jack€™s insanity ran deep enough for her to consider bedding a giant, bearded spleen. Mass Effect 1 had all these fantastic moments and decisions I made that affected the outcome of that game and had an influence over the events of Mass Effect 2. There is so much that hasn€™t been addressed, and Mass Effect 3 holds all the loose ends. I love these games, but I hope Mass Effect 3 wraps it all up, and can stand as a shining example of great game making, and not spiral off into franchises within remakes until we€™re playing some George Lucas\Human Centipede €œShepard €“ The College Years€ bullshit. But maybe I€™m off, and Bioware know what they€™re doing, since if I€™d been left to design Mass Effect 3 everyone would look like greasy balloon animals.