ARMY OF TWO 40th Day Sequel In Development?

A rumor has surfaced that EA will be making another Army of Two game, titled Army of Four.

By Matt Mann /

A rumor has surfaced that EA will be making another Army of Two game, however this sequel will be called Army of Four. This leads to the logical conclusion that Army of Four will include four person co-op as apposed to the two player co-op in previous games. The game is reportedly in development with EA Montreal and is being made with the Frostbite 2 engine that was used for the Battlefield 3 multiplayer. In adddition, according to the rumor DICE will be assisting with the development of the game in the near future. However, at this time all of this is only rumor as nothing has been confirmed yet by EA. Now after saying that I can honestly say there is a 95% chance of this being true, EA was always going to make another Army of Two game and this just seems like the logical step in progression. Going from two player co-op to four,which is what Gears of War 3 did and a lot of people feel Army of Two is EA's answer to the Gears franchise. I know some people don't like it, but I appreciate the fact they still include split screen co-op. How many of you have enjoyed the Army of Two franchise?