Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Killer Features That Sound Completely Awesome

By Costandinos Karalis /

The Assassin's Creed series has changed the way we play video games since it's first title, and has never ceased to amaze us as gamers. The newest game in the franchise, Assassin's Creed 3, promises to do the same. With the game's release date set for October 30th, most fans of the series are counting down the days. We have seen many gameplay videos and have a good feel for what the game will be like. According to the footage, it seems that the developers have made the ultimate assassin. Connor Kenway is out for blood using his new assassin techniques and weapons. He is a cold-hearted killer, a fierce warrior, and a deadly assassin. Altiar and Ezio were great, but with these new features, Connor could potentially be the best. So we begin with...

10. Rope Dart

In AC 3, gamers will now have accesses to a new way to torture their targets; the rope dart. This weapon consists of a small rope that shoots from Connor's wrist and into an enemy. It allows Connor to grapple to an enemy or pull them closer to him. It also comes in handy for pulling on targets from above. In a gameplay video, we can see Connor stalking his prey in a tree when suddenly he shoots the rope dart and uses the mans weight to hoist himself down. It seems that the rope dart does not kill the target when this move is done, but i'm not entirely sure. If the target stays alive and stuck in the tree, then his death can be anything the player decides upon. I am unsure whether or not the rope dart can be used otherwise, but I assume it can also help Connor scale a building faster. It would be fun and time effective for us to grapple up the side of a building, although I do not know how the rope dart quite works. Another cool feature to see from the rope dart would be the ability to disarm opponents. I can imagine that the dart, when aimed correctly, can latch unto a soldiers gun and pull it from his grasp. It would be fun, and would leave the target defenseless against our deadly attacks. While the disarm and fast-climb features are great, they are not confirmed and have not been seen in any gameplay videos. The rope dart also has an interesting history. The one that Connor uses is called the Asian Rope Dart (or the sheng biao), which means it was most likely designed by Asian Assassins. It has been suspected that Shao Jun, the assassin in training in the short film Assassin's Creed Embers, helped create this weapon. Where it came from is not a big deal, but it's a fun nod to die-hard fans of the series.