Assassin's Creed 4 - First Official Trailers

By Costandinos Karalis /

Yesterday, the first official trailers for Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag were released. Originally they were posted to Ubisoft's website, but were then posted to Youtube, meaning, they're everywhere to view now. I'd be surprised if you haven't seen them yet, but for those of you who are rushing to open a new tab and watch the videos, I've got you covered. Sit back and relax, just click below to see the trailers. As made clear by these videos, our protagonist is none other than one of Connor's ancestors. This game's assassin, Edward Kenway, is believed to be the father of Haytham Kenway which makes him Connor's grandfather. Since Desmond is related to Connor, he must also be related to Edward, which means, arguably, that Desmond will be alive in this game. Nobody else can access the memories of Desmond's ancestors, except maybe his father. Desmond's father, a big part of Assassin's Creed 3, could very well be the person headed into the animus this time around, but, a point against that could also be made. He doesn't share the same DNA as the Ones Who Came Before, which has been a critical part of Desmond's story. The trailer looks great, but was obviously not in-game footage. Hopefully we get some gameplay soon. I am interested to see how to dual wield works this time around. Also, having four pistols will really help with the reloading issue from the last game. Speaking of the last game, I hope you enjoyed those naval missions, because it seems as though we'll get a load more this time. Assassin's Creed IV is heavily water-based and revolves around the story of pirates, the inclusion of naval missions, conquests, and battles will take up a ton of game time. Personally, I enjoyed sailing the high-seas and seeking out Captain Kidd's cutlass (Myan mission DLC). In the first video, we get to see how crazy this game's protagonist is, Edward Kenway seems like a much bolder and better character than his grandson. He is a ruthless pirate and doesn't say a prayer every time he skins a deer. Although he probably doesn't skin deer all too often. I have nothing wrong with the way Connor acted last game, but he didn't fit in with "feel" of the Assassins. However, much like Connor, Edward doesn't show his personal side all to much, and manages to keep his crew out of his personal life. Presumably the "personal life" mentioned by Blackbeard is the Assassin missions that he is sent on. Although the release trailer revealed nothing about the story, it accomplished its goal. I am not only interested in the game, but also intrigued. Anyone that can make Blackbeard scared seems to be a great Assassin. The second video shows off the newest Assassin and the heat that he's packing. Two swords and four pistols seem like enough to clear the deck of any ship. He was trained as an Assassin and later became a pirate, which can impact the story in both good and bad ways. The pros of being an Assassin-turned-pirate: amazing know-how of killing and looting, being able to command a ship's crew the way you were commanded as a recruit, and a hidden blade (just admit it, hidden blades are awesome). The cons of being and Assassin pirate: not only are you in trouble with the law for your acts of piracy, but the Templars must be chasing you too, also, having to constantly clean your hidden blade from all the blood of your foes (seriously guys, hidden blades are awesome). The trailers both looked great and gave Assassin's Creed fans, like me, something to hold onto until the game's release. In case you haven't noticed, this game releases October 29th, which means that it will be coming out less than a year after Assassin's Creed 3. If Ubisoft keeps this up, we'll never have to go a year without some new Animus-inspired action. Were the trailers any good? Do you like the newest Assassin? Arrrgh you excited for this game to come out? Did you see what I did there? Post in the comments below.