Assassin’s Creed: Victory - 10 Perfect Ways To Save The Franchise

It's make or break time for Ubisoft's biggest series.

By Scott Tailford /

How likely is it that Assassin's Creed will be truly phenomenal again? Okay scratch that, how about a release that's good and makes you glad you're playing it - not just sitting through something that's serviceable? Maybe the latter is a more attainable goal, but why should consumers settle for less? At the end of the day you're still going to be paying upwards of £60 for a product that's expected to blow your socks off into a neighbouring country, not to mention if you factor in all the pre-order bonuses and random logo-embossed tat that goes alongside the pre-release hype machine, some fans will be forking over hundreds to support a franchise they love. The biggest problem facing AC is Ubisoft themselves; having realised they can barely iterate on a given formula and guarantee huge sales, the 'suits' (assumedly) have reconciled to sticking to a very rigid (and crippling) yearly release schedule, meaning any major overhauls are pretty much out the window. However, that tide may be starting to turn - and somewhat drowning them in the process - following Unity, as although it's been patched up into a fun little romp around a gorgeously-rendered Paris, the release-day version was a perfect example of what happens when developers aren't allowed to set their own deadlines. Going forward it's imperative for Ubi to really double down on what's worked in the past, and although there's plenty things sure to be included in AC: Victory regardless, these core refinements would go a long way to reclaiming the studio's older reputation in a big way.
