Batman: Arkham City & Saints Row: The Third Available For Download on EA's Origin

Warner Bros Interactive, THQ, and Capcom have all agreed to let their titles be sold through the download service.

By Matt Mann /

EA's digital download service Origin to this point has only provided downloads for their own products; however EA is now getting third party support for their download service. Warner Bros Interactive, THQ, and Capcom have all agreed to let their titles be sold through the service so you can now purchase games like Batman: Arkham City, Saints Row: The Third, and other future titles from all three companies on Origin. Here is what Origin senior vice president David DeMartini had to say:

"Since launch, we've had overwhelming support from both publishers and developers across the gaming industry, recognizing Origin as an opportunity to deliver more of their great content straight to consumers across the globe,"
It will be interesting to see if other third party developers follow suit and allow their games to be purchased through Origin because right now there is no way that Origin can compete with Steam, which is ultimately what EA wants to do. Personally I have not heard good things about Origin, are there people out there who like Origin as a service or do you prefer another digital download website?
