Batman: Arkham Legacy - 10 Playable Characters It MUST Include

A Flashpoint dream sequence? It's about time.

By Chris Joyce /

The Joker once said that Batman’s friends and allies made him fat, made him weak, made him lose his edge. He believed that the Dark Knight was overly reliant on others to fight his battles, to his detriment.


He believed that by torturing and killing Batman’s partners, he would restore Batman to his former, violent glory, ultimately doing him a kindness (which is some Joker logic, right there).

The truth, however, is the exact opposite. Bruce Wayne’s network of allies, sidekicks and confidants is one of his greatest strengths.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Dark Knight would either have been captured or killed long ago, if not for his friends - the Bat Family - fighting at his side, or holding down the fort in his absence.

So with the next game in the mainline Batman: Arkham series on the horizon, and the spectre of the terrifying Court of Owls looming large over Gotham, here are ten characters who must be playable in the next game.

10. Alfred Pennyworth

Bruce’s loyal and loving Butler, friend, and the closest thing to a Father master Wayne has know since that terrible night in Crime Alley, Alfred Pennyworth is a no-brainer.


Long gone is the era which saw Alfred portrayed as the stuffy old English Butler, fretting over the silverware, as modern writers of comics, TV series’ and Hollywood movies have turned Alfred into a total bad-ass.

Former SAS, expert hand-to-hand combatant, crack-shot with firearms, Alfred is a formidable presence in is own right.

Imagine a scene in which Wayne Manor, in Bruce’s absence, is invaded by a gang of thugs, who do not perceive the middle aged Englishman as a threat.

Taking the famous block/counter/strike combat game play so familiar to Arkham fans and letting us use Alfred during this section would be something entirely; he could even use tea trays and vases as improvised weapons in nod-and-wink in-jokes.

Alternatively, a flashback scene to his days in the British Army, on mission, with over the shoulder shooter game play styled after a Splinter Cell or an Uncharted, would not only be an unexpected change to the tried and tested Arkham formula, but would show just how tough Alfred is while allowing the player to live out their James Bond fantasies.
