BATTLEFIELD 3 - Guillotine Trailer

It seems each week EA puts out another great trailer just about every week for Battlefield 3, this one being no exception with in-game footage that looks so good I assume it is running on a PC that I could never afford to buy.

By Matt Mann /

It seems each week EA puts out another great trailer just about every week for Battlefield 3, this one being no exception with in-game footage that looks so good I assume it is running on a PC that I could never afford to buy. Take a look at the new trailer below; We would love to hear what you make of th e trailer below in the comments section. Also don't forget to read our Battlefield 3 vs. Modern Warfare article from a few weeks back. With Gears of War 3, RAGE, Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3 all coming out within a six week period I am going to be very broke this year. Is there any game you are going to have to skip this year because of time constraints or money?