BioWare Moving on to Next Dragon Age Game

BioWare drop The Exalted March DLC and start on a brand new Dragon Age title.

By Matt Mann /

Bioware has cancelled the planned Dragon Age 2: The Exalted March DLC that was supposed to be released sometime this spring and have officially moved on to the next Dragon Age game. Mark Darrah the executive producer of the Dragon Age series had this to say:

€œWhile we will still be keeping an eye out for any issues that might crop up in DAII and supporting the community should any emergencies should arise, we€™re moving the entire team€™s focus to the next phase of Dragon Age€™s future. €œYou€™ve most certainly heard the rumors floating around, and unfortunately I can€™t really comment on them, However, what I can say is that we€™ve been thinking a lot about Dragon Age €“ what it means, and where it could go. This past year, we€™ve spent a lot of time both going back to the €˜BioWare vault€™ of games and re-examining them, and looking at some new possibilities that today€™s industry allows.€
Darrah didn't go into any detail on what we might expect from the next Dragon Age game but a recent interview with Wired BioWare CEO Dr. Ray Muzyka said they are looking at Skyrim very closely and may adapt some of the features from Skyrim into the next Dragon Age game. That would be my ultimate fantasy game, an open world game with Bioware type characters that I actually care about. What would be the number one thing you want to see in the next Dragon Age game?
