Borderlands 2: Wimoweh Trailer Takes Us Into The Jungle

I bet you never thought you'd hear the song Wimoweh used quite like this...

By Michael Shelton /

If there is one thing that Borderlands is known for it's the sheer epic scale of its ridiculousness, and the brand new trailer that Gearbox has released doesn't disappoint. I have to say that their use of the song Wimoweh brilliantly pairs up with the epic scale of Borderlands 2, and certainly adds a touch that only the Gearbox team could tap into. Fans of Borderlands have no doubt been following any and all information that they can get their hands on, but the new trailer does an excellent job of presenting the improvements being made to the game. From the very beginning we get to see a grander scale of the game with both enemy design, and character abilities. There are a wide range of enemies within Borderlands 2 which will certainly help to prevent the same enemies being repeated. Gigantic creatures leap at your group, towering robots launch mini-ships of destruction, and goliaths will strap mini-bandits to their shields for that added layer of protection. Each character class gets to show off their special skill sets. Zero's illusions and invisibility will provide an amazing way to dodge enemy attacks and counter with lethal precision. Maya's phaselock is set to allow for a combined effort of lethal bullet barrages one an enemy frozen in place above you. Salvador more than makes up for his, smaller stature, with an unrelenting gunzerker fury that finds him dual wielding any combination of weapons in the game. Axton's turret companions will provide any Borderlands adventurer with the ability to unleash a torrent of destruction from safety. We even get a glimpse at many of the game's ridiculous NPC's that are definitely going to create a Borderlands experience that we're all expecting. I'll be the first to say that I am very curious to see the story behind Tiny Tina. She has a serious grudge against bandits, and it's glorious. If all of this hasn't sold you on the game yet then I'm not quite sure what will, but watching Claptrap sing Wimoweh makes me hope that Gearbox allows him to follow you on your quests and sing it over a speaker system. "Wimoweh, uh wimoweh..." It's going to be stuck in my head all day now.