Broforce Deploying To The Playstation 4 In Q1 2016

Lock and load, PS4 gamers. It's gonna get bloody bro-some.

By Robert Zak /

It looks like PS4 gamers won't have to wait long to play one of the funniest, most testosterone-fuelled games of 2015, as Devolver has told WhatCulture that Broforce will be landing on the Sony console in Q1 2016. Broforce was officially released for the PC last month, after spending around a year in early access. The cute ultra-violent 2D platformer has been listed in the PlayStation Store as 'Coming Soon' for some time, but no release date estimates were provided until now. For the uninitiated, Broforce puts players in control of one of a large number of iconic action heroes from 80s and 90s movies (relabelled with a 'Bro' moniker, like Brominator, Rambro and Bronan the Brobarian). You blast your way through highly destructible levels, killing scores of soldiers, xenomorphs, and eventually the denizens of hell itself. You can check out my review of Broforce here. It's a hugely entertaining, chaotic splatterfest that's best enjoyed with three other people in the room, when you can co-operative tackle the campaign, try out player-created levels, or decimate each other into showers of bloody pixels in the deathmatch mode. We asked about whether Broforce could see an Xbox One release in the foreseeable future, but were told that there are no such plans.