Elite will be launching simultaneously on consoles when Modern Warfare 3 hits later this month.

By Matt Mann /

Activision announced today that the PC version of Call of Duty Elite will be delayed. Elite will be launching simultaneously on consoles when Modern Warfare 3 hits later this month. For those who don't know, Call of Duty Elite is a subscription based service for Call of Duty multiplayer that keeps tracks of statistics across different versions of the game. Here is what Beachhead Studio's Chacko Sonny had to say on the matter:
"We€™re as committed as ever to the PC, but the need to ensure a safe PC environment is greater than ever. It€™s really extensive. We need more time to get there, so Elite on PC will not launch on Day 1. We€™re working our butts off to make it happen, but we won€™t release it until we know that PC gamers can enjoy Elite as it€™s meant to be. The issue here is that the PC is an insecure platform. Without a central, trusted resource for stats, a lot of our competition features become unfair. We can€™t give away prizes when people can easily cheat their stats. Leaderboards are less fun when a lot of the users are there unfairly."
There currently is no set release date for the PC version of Call of Duty Elite, basically Activision said it will be ready when it is ready. Any PC Call of Duty fans disappointed by this news? Release Date: November 8, 2011