Dark Souls 3: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

And as Souls games barely tell you anything, you REALLY need to know these.

By Scott Tailford /


After a ton of speculation, constantly-shifting release dates and now, supremely positive review scores at launch, Dark Souls 3 is easily giving the landmark franchise the sendoff it deserves. The best thing is, you can tell FromSoftware are learning things from their doggedly devoted fanbase and the likes of Bloodborne simultaneously, creating what's easily the most addictive and well-balanced entry yet.


Boss encounters and regular enemies present a challenge that ramps up on a defined arc across the entirety of its 60 hour runtime, and when you factor in how deliciously inviting each and every area looks, replayability is a must, as you'll be dying to try out multiple character builds by the time the credits roll.

All that said, don't think Dark Souls 3 is any more forgiving than its predecessors, especially where the game's intricacies of combat and lore are concerned. FromSoftware and lead creator Hidetaka Miyazaki create experiences that are the gamer's game; brutal tests of your patience that double as the most rewarding sensations you'll ever have.


Needless to say, regardless of whether you're a newbie or a series veteran, if you've picked up Dark Souls 3, the following tips should prevent you being slaughtered just that little bit less.

12. View Your Character As You Change Items


Thanks to Dark Souls community legend, VaatiVidya, for this one.


Sadly there's still no way to compare apparel when you're viewing wares from the various merchants, but you can cycle between a 'Detailed' view when in the inventory, and a one that lets you see items as they're applied.

Simply hit R3 to reorder the windows and reveal your character standing behind, as you're then free to compare armour, headgear, gloves, and various items to your heart's content.
