Dark Souls 3: 12 Essential Tips New Players Need To Know

Your handy guide to not getting flayed alive.

By Scott Tailford /


'Getting into Dark Souls' is rather like approaching one of the game's earliest bosses for the first time. You creep forward, tactics in mind and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice - then get your arms bitten off as some unforeseen attack obliterates you in seconds.


When it comes to sifting through the game's reputation, just know that in the words of Han Solo, "It's true, all of it". The difficulty curves, the sense of reward, the epic boss battles, the realisation after completion that it's one of the greatest games of all time - Dark Souls has struck a nerve with gamers the world over for good reason. You simply owe it to yourself as a consumer of entertainment, to check it out.

And what better place than the latest instalment? Having put in around 50 hours and awarded it 5 stars, I can happily say that the revamped and thoroughly modernised Dark Souls 3 is the best place to start for anyone still waiting on the sidelines.


It's not going to be easy, and certain bosses I breezed through are already developing reputations for putting people off immediately. However, from veteran to newbie and anything in between, here's a handy breakdown on how to avoid getting torched to cinders quite so much...