Dark Souls Announcement Coming

Namco Bandai tease an April announcement for Dark Souls - will it be DLC or more?

By Matt Mann /

Namco Bandai talked today about an upcoming announcement for Dark Souls in April, what that announcement will be is unknown at this time. However, there is a good chance it can be one of two things, first and probably most likely it could be the official announcement for the rumored €œForest of Darkness€ expanded content that would be released as DLC. Or this could be when Namco Bandai hopefully officially announces a PC version of Dark Souls. A few months ago a petition was started to get a PC release of Dark Souls, however we really haven't heard much from Namco Bandai about the realistic chance of PC fans getting a release. Namco Bandai did comment on the petition but nothing substantial was said about a PC release, so as of right now this is just speculation. Namco Bandai is scheduled to have a press conference sometime in April where they will most likely make their announcement for Dark Souls. Until then all we can do is speculate as to what they might be announcing. However, if you go to their official Facebook page and "Like" the app Namco Bandai said the announcement would come faster. For all we know they might be announcing a sequel to Dark Souls at this press event, which would be amazing but I highly doubt it. What would you like to see Namco Bandai announce for Dark Souls, some DLC, a PC version of the game, or how about a sequel to Dark Souls?
