Deadpool The Game Preview - Why It's A Perfect Showcase Of Deadpool

By Patrick Dane /

The other day I got to sit down with the long awaited Deadpool game. I have a bunch of friends who are excited for this release and it seems like they have been yapping in my ear for months about it, so I will take that as evidence that a bunch of you are bound to be excited too. It is not that I am not excited about he game, but for me, Deadpool has always been peripheral character on my comic book reading lists. I don't get all the much time to read comics and when I do I am generally catching up on the more 'iconic' runs. So while I am familiar with the concept of Deadpool, with the 4th wall breaking, immature humour and chimichangas, I have always felt like that was enough and that I may get to him at some point. So I must admit, I went into my preview session of Deadpool by High Moon Studios with only a transgental knowledge of the character. The story goes that High Moon studios, who you will probably know best from their transformers series, were working on a game and then Deadpool burst in and held the studio at ransom to make a game based on him. In many ways, that would make sense, as the game definitely feels like a ton of crazy ideas just tossed around with reckless abandon. That isn't entirely a bad thing though! It is madness, and it doesn't always work but there is so much of it that something will be there to catch your eye before long. Let me get this out of the way. The gameplay is a little clunky. It is a combo system that is based around just two buttons, a light and heavy attack button. These will form the basis of your onslaught, and while guns, grenades and the ability to swap weapons mid combo can mix it up a little, it is a little simplistic from what I played. (I concede that the game could make this a more intuitive system later on in the game). While there may be techniques to counter it, I found myself overpowered a few times and no matter how quickly I slashed at my foes, I could only overcome them by running out, killing a few and then running away to get my health up. That married with one or two animation hiccups basically made up the bulk of my concerns. However, there is clearly buckets of fun to be had here. While the combo system might be simplistic, that doesn't mean that they don't have a touch of dynamism. Tearing people apart with a pair of sais, throwing them up in the air and then shooting them until they explode into a bloody flurry of severed limbs was pretty satisfying. The game runs off of coins that you collect from just about everything, from walking around to killing bad guys. You can buy Swords, Hammers, Scis, Guns, and a bunch of other upgrades on the fly. The list is fairly extensive. While collecting coins to buy things may sound a little archaic, it works seamlessly within the pace of the game. Everything is fast and furious and being able to just hit hit a button to take you straight to a store to buy something is unintrusive and lets you shop on the fly. However, I am sure little of all that matters to you. The only thing that you probably care about is "does the game 'feel' like Deadpool". That would be a resounding yes. The story and game were written by Daniel Way (the game shows Deadpool did a pass too), who has been a writer on the comic before and he is clearly someone who loves writing this material. The game is humour heavy and goes for the Airplane approach to comedy. Throw so many jokes at an audience, that if a joke doesn't land, one of the next ten will. There are some generally witty quips here and I found myself quite often being berated by Deadpool for not matching his high levels of awesomeness he expected. I won't say all of the humour is a homerun and that some of it was pitched just a little lower than what I normally find funny, but I don't doubt there is a massive audience for that. If you know and love the Deadpool hurmour, it is on full display here. That, married with chaotic combat and breakneck pace make sure that this feels like a certified Deadpool experience. Oh yeah, and Nolan North. Also, I told Deadpool that I would plug his trailer, so in the interest of my safety, here it is.