DiRT Showdown Displays Massive Damage in New Trailer

Adrenaline is sure to be pumping through your veins by the end of the new Dirt: Showdown trailer.

By Michael Shelton /

Adrenaline is sure to be pumping through your veins by the end of the new Dirt: Showdown trailer. Yeah, I know, it's just a video you say, but every time I hear the crunch or slamming of metal at high speed, the inner kid in me lets out a squeal of joy. Showing off footage from in-game, we are witness to all of the glory that is a destruction derby. While it may not be necessarily referred to as that, I think it's fairly safe to say that after watching the trailer, it's the closest comparison to make. While the actual damage that is taken to the vehicles looks to be coming along nicely, it feels as though something is missing. I am definitely hoping that the developers can up the ante on the level of damage in the release. Tires need to be falling off, and cars need to stall because once someone's all alone, frantically hoping to start their car, that lingering fear that you're about to become the turkey in an 8 car sandwich should be present. Hold the oil please. Coming sometime in May of this year, the title looks to be a great addition for the start of summer releases. If you're looking for some good ol' fashioned car mayhem, make sure you keep track of this one. http://youtu.be/wlviC_niGu4