Does This DOOM Easter Egg Mean A New Quake Game Is Coming?

Wolfenstein, DOOM... it's only natural, right?

By Scott Tailford /

Id Software

We're currently experiencing something of an old-school first-person revival in 2016 - one that's gathering immeasurable speed thanks to Battlefield and Call of Duty battering each other over who's going to rule Christmas.


Games like the underrated Shadow Warrior and now Bethesda's resurrection of both Wolfenstein and Doom across the last two years (the founding pillars of first-person shooting, no less) have led to a renaissance of all things twitchy and hyper-violent.

To that end, DOOM is currently riding a wave of nostalgia and newly-found positive reception thanks to being a hands-down brilliant shooter, but there's a small easter egg tucked away in your character's customisation options, that could lead to yet another landmark franchise returning in the near future.


Said easter egg is a patterned armour option showing the legendary Quake logo, which you'll unlock as you play through the multiplayer modes. Now, out of sheer wishful thinking, I'm hoping this means iD Software are at least thinking about another entry in the franchise.

Wolfenstein, DOOM and Quake are the premiere original shooters, and to the 90s generation, Quake was their DOOM. An arena-based blaster that dove headlong into 3D environments and helped us get to grips with how to move through 3D space, like DOOM, it's a name that every gamer knows, and will have varying degrees of affinity for.


What do you think? Are you as tired of military shooters and set piece-filled campaigns as the rest of us? Sound off in the comments!
