DOOM: 17 Easter Eggs, Secrets & References You Must Find

From Fallout to Quake, Bethesda and iD Software are one hell of a team.

By Scott Tailford /

Id Software

Incase you haven't heard, DOOM is to 2016 what Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was to 2008; a PC-influenced shooter that breathes new life into the console FPS, in a way the general public didn't even know they wanted.


Weapons are hulking concoctions of metal and cordite, your character is literally the embodiment of the in-game motive "Rip and tear", and demons with faces like exploded crabs swarm you in their hundreds, just begging to eat shotgun shells for breakfast.

In short, it's spectacular, and exactly what console shooters need in this era of set-pieces and crowbarred-in quick-time events. DOOM takes everything back to its roots, but in the process of building what's easily the fastest shooter in decades, you might end up missing the abundance of awesome easter eggs that are still tucked away in every corner.


17. Demonic Destruction & Super Turbo Turkey Puncher Mini-Games

I absolutely love this one - even as a complete offshoot and something tons of gamers will completely overlook, iD have included what's essentially their version of Bejewelled or more recently, Candy Crush Saga, proving just how simplistic and easily implementable one of the world's most successful mobile apps truly is.


Found in Lazarus Labs, you're free to play for as long as you like, with a slightly remastered original DOOM theme chugging away in the background. Bethesda could have licensed this theme and minigame as an app - and doomed the industry even more than Dungeon Keeper's godawful mobile release - but thankfully it's just hiding here.


Second, making its return from DOOM 3 is the fantastic Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3, which is literally exactly what it sounds like. Aping the Street Fighter Alpha 3 font, gameplay is less a 2D side-on fighter and more just you... lamping turkeys until you get tired.

Go on, that high score isn't going to get itself!
