DOOM Eternal Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down

2020's first must-have game.

By Scott Tailford /

iD Software

DOOM Eternal is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Hell, it’s one of the best THINGS I’ve ever experienced. A masterful execution on envelope-pushing, synapse-stretching first-person shooting, that doesn’t let up for 20 straight hours.

iD Software already proved they MORE than still had it with 2016’s soft reboot of DOOM, and as veterans of the industry, you can tell they know EXACTLY what had to happen next.


Firing into DOOM Eternal, seeing the DOOM Slayer’s flying space fortress (because why not), cocking the shotgun and hearing another MASTERFUL Mick Gordon soundtrack, it creates a sensation of a rollercoaster banking up that first climb.

You know what you’re in for, and you THINK you can anticipate those adrenaline-charged drops and swerves, but only when they actually kick in, do those extra wide smiles and heart-racing cheers come in.


Because DOOM Eternal revels in its own ridiculousness, in the best.way.possible.

Let's break everything down.
