Dragon Age 2 DLC Announced

Released July 26th, Dragon Age 2 Legacy will include new areas, new darkspawn, and will supposedly have an improved battle system that requires more strategy.

By Matt Mann /

The first new Dragon Age 2 downloadable content has been announced by Bioware. The DLC is called Dragon Age 2 Legacy and will be available July 26. It is not known how big the DLC is or how it connects to the story of the original game but it will include new areas, new darkspawn, and will supposedly have an improved battle system that requires more strategy. Here's what Bioware had to say:
"You're going to be traveling to all-new areas," Melo said, "not just outdoor areas, but you're also going to be diving very deep into an ancient Grey Warden prison. You're going to be taking on brand new creatures as well, including some new Darkspawn.. and you're also going to be challenged much more tactically than before, where Hawke and the followers are going to have to use the environment a lot better as well as all of their abilities in order to be successful."
I am not sure how Dragon Age 2 was received in other countries, but in North America it got decent reviews but was destroyed by fans of Dragon Age Origins as selling out to the casual gamers. There was actually a pretty big uprising of people calling Bioware sellouts and were very angry that Bioware tried to make Dragon Age 2 for more casual gamers. However, Bioware has listened to fans complaints about Dragon Age 2 and has tried to rectify the issues in the Legacy DLC release. Personally I enjoyed Dragon Age 2 even though it did have some issues. I don't think it deserved as much heat as it got, was it a flawed game yes. But in my opinion, it was far from as bad as a lot of people made it out to be. Now excuse me, there appears to be an angry mob forming outside my house who seem to disagree with me.