E3 2012: PlayStation All-Stars Is A New Take On A Fan Favorite

PlayStation All-Stars confirms cross-platform Vita play with the PS3, then took the stage to play a full match, and ended on a "surprise" reveal of two characters to the roster.

By Michael Shelton /

All-Stars is coming to the PlayStation Vita, and will be capable of cross-platform play. The biggest news to come out of the demo was the "surprise" reveal of Drake and Big Daddy being the newest additions to the roster. Their reveal trailer shows exactly what fans can expect from the fighters. http://youtu.be/u5BLgycbUog SuperBot walked us through a full match between four characters, of the previously confirmed roster, including Fat Princess, Kratos, SweetTooth, and PaRappa Tha Rappa. Their demo occurred with two players on PlayStation 3 and the remaining battling with a Vita. All-Stars works by attacking your enemies, with a variety of base combat abilties, and building up your "super". This is represented by a bar that continuously fills at the bottom of the screen, and can be executed at up to 3 separate levels. The higher your bar, the more devastating your attack. The whole goal of the game is to build your bar, unleash your attack, and gain as many knock-outs as you can to score. Everything seemed fairly average about the demo. Watching SweetTooth transform into a super-mech destroyer was definitely the highlight, and proves that All-Stars could very well be a lot of fun. The game blatantly takes direct influence from Super Smash Bros, but truthfully very few titles are entirely new. Ideas are usually inspired by some other concept or product available, especially in the gaming industry. Perhaps you should give this one a shot before you condemn it. All-Stars certainly has the potential to be a treat for those with a PlayStation 3 or Vita. Enjoy the full E3 stage demo below! http://youtu.be/FwRA9jcUWk4
