E3 2016: Dead Rising 4 Leaked Ahead Of Microsoft's Conference

It's the fourth one... and also a remake?!

By Scott Tailford /


After one spectacular instalment, a solid followup and a bit of stumble thanks to being tied to one of biggest misfires in console history, Dead Rising is set to return once again next week, as ThisGenGaming and Twitter account Ekim have uncovered a slew of screenshots giving away one of Microsoft's biggest surprises.


In an even bigger twist though, what's apparently named 'Dead Rising 4' is a remake of the original, except this time with four-player co-op. Because of course there's four player co-op.


ThisGenGaming add:

"The game will come to Windows 10 PC alongside the Xbox One release as a Windows Store exclusive. Frank West will mark his return as the protagonist, but Capcom Vancouver also added a four player co-op allowing three friends to join the frantic action playing as previous characters from the game such as Chuck, Nick and Annie."

It makes sense that Microsoft are doubling down on their exclusives and those titles we tend to associate with the Xbox brand, as they've been fighting an uphill battle ever since the One's launch.


Whether Dead Rising is big enough of a series to really draw the masses in remains to be seen, but we'll definitely get more at E3.



Sound off in the comments what you think of another Dead Rising, and a remake at that?