E3 2017: 14 Announcements You Probably Missed

Destiny 2 gets capped on Xbox One X.

By Jack Pooley /


E3 is over for another year, and one of the more surprising aspects of this year's showing was just how many reveals were made away from the conference stage, either by way of a post-show livestream, or even just a tweet.


Yes, far from the main show there were confirmations that games absent from E3 are still being made, a certain handheld classic is getting a remake, and various nifty gameplay features were announced for some of the most avidly anticipated games of the next 12 months.

Also, with the sheer difficulty gamers surely had keeping on top of all the E3 announcements, it was also a convenient time to bury bad news amid the sheer glut of reveals coming down the pike, namely games getting delayed or not being as far along in development as fans might have hoped...
