E3 2018: 15 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know

From the insane to the weirdly believable.

By Jack Pooley /

E3, Nintendo, Epic Games, Marvel Studios & Bethesda

Though the announcements have already started to trickle out, E3 doesn't begin in earnest until this coming weekend, at which point Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and the world's biggest games publishers will unveil their most buzzed-about and heavily-rumoured projects.


It's truly the best time of the year to be a gamer, especially if you love the hype cycle and scrambling to figure out what might be revealed ahead of show time.

The rumour mill is of course working overtime at the moment, and the last few days in particular have seen some shocking rumours point to what we can expect at E3 2018.


From long-speculated new entries into huge franchises to cult sequels the fans desperately want and everything in-between, these are the possible announcements to keep in mind as E3 draws ever nearer.

Owing to the dubious nature of leaks, many of these could turn out to be total bunk, but given the credibility of many of the sources, it's looking like we may have some spoilers on our hands here...
