Epic 15 Minute BIOSHOCK INFINITE E3 Trailer

One of the most anticipated games of 2012, BioShock Infinite has a newly released 15 minute epic trailer for your eyes to glaze over.

By Matt Mann /

BioShock Infinite has a newly released 15 minute epic trailer for your eyes to glaze over. This was the demo that was shown at this years E3 and it is one of the best demos I have ever seen. BioShock Infinite won numerous awards for best in show at E3 this year and rightfully so and is considered the true sequel to the original BioShock because the same team worked on both games.The first thing I noticed about the trailer is the fact the main character now talks, unlike in Bioshock where the protagonist was silent. In addition, the trailer shows an instant where the two characters are actually transported to the modern day world, so it will be interesting to see how much of the game actually takes place outside Columbia (the main setting). I can't wait to get my hands on this game.
