Every Major Xbox One Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

Gears or Halo? Sunset Overdrive has them both beat.

By Josh Brown /

Even though Microsoft started out well on the exclusive front, releasing a wealth of sequels to popular franchises and creating brand new original IP for the Xbox One in the console's first couple of years, the company's rate of new releases has suffered a sharp decline since Gears of War 4.


Which, in case you weren't keeping track, dropped in October of 2016.

Thankfully however, this gap in big exclusive games looks to be down to the publisher figuring out its roadmap and gearing up for the years ahead. With the likes of Crackdown 3 still left to grace us with its delayed presence in 2017 and hotly anticipated titles like State of Decay 2 and Metro Exodus in the pipeline, there are plenty of releases for Xbox fans to look froward to across the next few months.

But while we wait for these upcoming titles to hit, it's the ideal time to look back and assess the state of the Xbox One's library at our disposal. By now Microsoft has amassed a rather impressive library of exclusives, but which are the ones that you need to pla,y and which should only be touched when they inevitably show up Games with Gold?

14. ReCore

Thought up by the producer of the Mega Man series Kenji Inafune, hopes were high when Microsoft announced ReCore back in 2015.


A platforming adventure that hearkened back to some of the best releases from the original Xbox, the title unfortunately took a bit too much inspiration from the design philosophies of yore, to the point where ReCore felt instantly dated the moment it hit store shelves.

With an unimpressive visual style and a gameplay loop that didn't succeed at being either an action game or a puzzle-platformer, there wasn't much for fans to get hooked into when the title eventually released.

Throw a boring open world into the mix and a story that didn't live up to the potential of the setting and nobody was clamouring for a ReCore 2 once the credits rolled on this mediocre first game.
