Bethesda has teamed up with artists to work on concept art for the smash hit first-person shooter.

By Rich Hutson /

DOOM Eternal is arguably one of the best video game releases of 2020 so far. Its explosive first-person shooter action remains unmatched, and the soundtrack slaps even harder than we could have imagined. Check out our review here.


One huge step up from the already immaculate DOOM (2016) was the sheer scope and scale of the environments you get to traverse as the Slayer. Not only were you battling demons through UAC facilities and Hell, you travelled to new realms, and explored the Slayer's past.

Bethesda have teamed up with a bunch of artists to produce some truly incredible concept art of some of the areas you get to see in the game, and we thought we'd share them with you here!

Thank you to Bethesda for sending over this fantastic concept art!

11. The Fortress Of Doom

During the visual development of The Fortress of Doom this image landed on the core feeling I think we were aiming for; somewhat reminiscent of Dracula’s castle. It was very exciting to riff on the idea that this was the Doom Slayer’s castle and stronghold. The final version in the game kept those themes and turned out great.

- Colin Geller
