Fallout 4: 10 Jaw-Dropping Moments From The E3 2015 Demo

Easily an early contender for Game of the Show.

By Scott Tailford /

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? Bethesda announced months ago they'd be doing their own press conference at this year's E3 - prompting fans and critics alike to assume it was so they could reveal Fallout 4 in style. Then June 3rd happened, and we got one hell of an early taster they could easily have rested on until some future event... until the June 14th conference blew everyone away all over again. E3 proved to be the place they wanted to drop the most bombshells so far, a lengthy three-part gameplay demo proving the many complaints levied at the series over the years have more than been addressed. Bethesda's lofty budget has been applied to everything from an all-new game engine, a complete animation overhaul and even a mobile companion app that ties into a real-world Pip-Boy you can buy and wear whilst playing. Because at this stage, why not? It might all sound a bit crazy, but from the moment game director Todd Howard stepped out, to the second the release date flashed up and sent everybody's hype levels through the roof to close everything, the amount of confidence demonstrated across the board has only gone to make this an early contender for game of the show. What did you think of the reveal? We've definitely been waiting long enough for it, so check out the most impactful moments from the footage, and leave your own in the comments below.