Fallout 4: 10 Specific Things We Can't Wait To See Improved

Fallout's always been about way more than just graphics and facial animation.

By Scott Tailford /

The Fallout 4 hype machine was always ticking over with a hearty roar, but since E3 and the reveal that only were Bethesda working on it, but Fallout 4 would be releasing in the same year, fans have been positively buzzing with anticipation. Helmed once again by Bethesda - who following the astounding and continued success of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, are now one of the biggest publisher/developer combos this side of Rockstar - they've spent almost their entire career iterating on a what started out as one of the best open-world formulas around. Oblivion was a jaw-dropping fantasy spectacle, Fallout 3 took that game's engine and ran with it, only for New Vegas to see Obsidian grab the reigns for an aesthetically brilliant spin-off. Skyrim was their biggest achievement yet, a 20 million (and counting) unit-shifting juggernaut ofpop culture that's prepped everyone for the release of Fallout 4 with baited breath. Chances are you've only dabbled in the other two Fallout games thanks to their overall animation styles and harsh difficulties being more of an acquired taste, but following 2011's landmark release, everybody and their second cousin is going to be flocking to the wasteland in their droves. As such, here's everything both newcomers and returning fans will be dying to see improved upon.