Fallout 4 Leak: 10 Reasons 'Hardcore Fans' Need To Stop Complaining

Water is wet, you need air to breathe, and Fallout fans are complaining about pointless things again.

By Scott Tailford /

Inevitably this close to release, huge chunks of Fallout 4 gameplay have just leaked out across the internet, but rather than the general reception being remotely positive and thankful we're getting eyes on the full build in motion, fans en masse have taken to doubling down on the same pithy arguments that emerged back at E3. Chastising the immediate graphical wallop as being disappointing and commenting on how its obvious Bethesda 'simply' updated their age-old Creation engine to run it, there are certainly some points worth highlighting when it comes to how this engine is going to perform across a good 100+ hours of gameplay. However, going in with such a negative mindset and a wilful intent to look down upon a game that's got so much going for it, just feels like the epitome of reactionary Millennial culture we're currently engulfed in. There's simply no reason to focus on the negatives when there's plenty to champion and celebrate, and perhaps it's just my experience of the industry coming from seeing it iterate so much across the last 30 years, that Fallout 4's reception feels like the tipping point on everything wrong with a lot of how the public perceive the games industry. Fallout 4 is already one of this generation's greatest achievements, and it's high-time everybody got on the same page recognising that.