FIFA 16: 10 Tips To Play Like A God

FIFA. Game. Strong.

By Matt Smith /

There comes a time when sluggishly picking up your controller and prodding the buttons until you manage a 1-0 victory over Tottenham Hotspur doesn't quite fulfil your gaming needs. You have became complacent and lazily worked out a generic winning formula that grinds out results as you lie horizontal in your pyjama bottoms and yearn for the enthusiasm that once circulated through your veins. Sort yourself out. Have a shower, brush your hair and return to the sofa (or whatever succulent gaming chair you desire) and listen up. You're about to graduate with first class honours from the University of EA Sports and your shiny new qualification will make you suitably qualified to boast FIFA God-like status. This certificate (albeit purely fictional) gives you the power to raise the bar; you may call yourself the 'Fifasaurus Rex' and claim to possess the same ability in your dexterous fingertips as Lionel Messi stores inside his Adidas cleats. Interested? Thought so. It's time to embark on your quest to gaming greatness and by following these 10 steps you will soon notice a significant change in your reaction speed, accuracy, creativity and all round life existence. Welcome to the brotherhood young grasshopper, it's time to turn you into a FIFA 16 messiah...